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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

A [not so] Random Excursion...

Today was an awesomely spontaneous day. at home somewhat, I got up to answer "the call."

No, it wasn't the call of nature...per se...
Was an invitation to visit a friend's mother on her birthday, to brighten her holidays with company. It seems the trip was what all involved had needed, as a grand time was had by all, picking coconuts, cooking food prepared over an open fire (I LOVE spicy food, and mama Donna did NOT disappoint), splashing around, swimming and exploring the river in the backyard (the district of Deeside, St Catherine, Jamaica).

at the moment I had seen the embrace of mother and son, a pang of jealousy that I've come to be aware of but never able to banish or ignore flared up...and I remember I would never have that moment, that I was a bit of an intruder upon this family, a rare moment the voyeur on the other side of the glass could get up close... and I did my trademark, a smile a joke and a casual sidestep and was about to walk away when....she hugged me as well. bafflingly, she hugged us all, and in the brief embrace I felt a warmth I feel solely from the protective hug of the nurturing women in my life, as well as something more...undefinable but wonderful...*shrug* love of a mother? Guess that's due for more over-analysis as is my wont
 moving on, *awkward chuckle*I discovered I had not completely lost my ability to swim unceasingly in unknown waters, and in the process found the challenge of swimming against current was exhilarating, planting the seed of longing for my once constant trips to the pool. twas a great day all in all, and interestingly I discovered that a lot of my love for water is steeped in a fear and awe of its power. humbled as I waded through the cool stream, feeling the moss and silt and stones caress my soles, I felt an eerie peace...
I missed my other close friends terribly, and I had wanted to share the day with them, but It was not to've been...Maybe/hopefully next time...

Monday, 19 December 2011

The aftermath...

so...My solo turned ALMOST into a hot mess...a Hot.ghetto.Mess. but I survived...the accompanist kept driving me up a wall, at points redoing bars with mistakes WHILE I'M I had was to just finish the piece with a quickness...I braved out the rest of the first half valiantly, then went backstage during intermission...where I proceeded to cry that I ruined my friend's piece...yup a bitch... and though I should've foreseen it, I didn't think i'd've been caught by other members of the choir...but there I was, crying when hands came from behind and hugged my shoulders...and I tried to buck up and they still came down -__-...
 But they were cool, despite not even possibly understanding my state of depression at failing. It was a lovely thing, in retrospect at least, because I surely didn't allow myself comfort last night, I just totally retreated into myself, went through second half on determined autopilot, then except for two times when I sang 'Bb' as 'A', and 'D' as 'Bb',  I pulled off my second solo fairly well, was alternating verses with another tenor for Gustav Holst's "Lullay my Liking'.
All in all, I was ecstatic to sing the Hallelujah chorus and put a close to the night's show.
I was complimented on my solos, though I must confess these I disregarded, I think because either they were trying to be nice or trying to cheer me up (ones who caught me). I proceeded then to drink and eat with the choir, after a hard concert's end... and sleep was had and oblivion joyously received

Saturday, 17 December 2011

yay, Christmas vulnerability!... -__- sigh

In the midnight hours while waiting to go to on the late night ride to the other side of the island for my uncle's wedding, I lay up thinking about my looming performance at a friend's Christmas concert, and the solos I had to do, as well as taking the mantle as one of two in the line that can sing by score. I thought on the rehearsal the night before, when I ruined the run through of Quiet Sings the Dawn, A Christmas piece he had written and one of my solos. It was my first time looking at the piece, and it is an easy enough piece, and written to span literally the octave of middle C (261.625Cps) to the C the octave below (130.8013Cps). I ruined the rehearsal of it. I was so nervous I sang it an octave higher for the first two bars then, having realised my err (and the shock on his face while he conducted the piece) I sang so quietly that by verse 3 to end the song I was in effect il Muto. Gripped in a fit of self doubt which almost became hyperventilating (cant believe i'm this nervous) , and a moment of Idiocy and madness I decided to try and see if I was able to do it, and I fetched my aunt's phone to record it, determined that, sink or swim i'd do the first verse at least, it...I know, what a colossal idiot... but, here goes...leave tips and comments please, anything suggested to help would be welcome

Sunday, 4 December 2011

so...about that magical moment...

you know that moment're dancing or viewing a dance piece and it becomes so intense, everything is a flowing beautiful mass of shifting lines and changing formations...and then there's this one move, this one transition where time stands still and for that millisecond that seems to last infinitesimally(sounds sooo made up doesn't it?) longer?well, when that happens, you see the most beautiful sight to me in the art of the dance.

That. that moment is what I like to call the instance of suspension...that second before BOOM! the lightning quick, very technical and often beautifully frenetic part of the routine comes in and you're left with your jaw simply at the floor, or (if you're the dancer) energy spills forth and you connect with your true self and the audience in a fragile yet powerful link of the art as transcendence from earthly to divine, orgasmic, ecstatic...or... *shrugs off excited face* you know, to that place where the beauty of the movements to follow and the passion of the dancer/ rapt attention of the audience causes you this strange overflow of excitement and wonder to burst forth from your very core, manifesting itself either in thunderous applause, or a stellar and uniquely "perfect" performance depending on which side of the Proscenium line you are taking part from.
it is that very moment, that second, the transition, that I totally LIVE for. It is "easy" for a dancer to move through a well rehearsed piece, present technical mastery in a change of back or perfect leg/foot/hand/neck articulation...but to go through this moment, to move through it and go beyond the mere transition from line to line to the communication of beautiful messages (and yes, even serious or evil themes have their place in the realm of beauty) THIS I believe IS TRUE ART...
just my I alone in my fascination?

Thursday, 1 December 2011

In the stillness....

Some Words from "the Man" John Rutter on his feelings on noise

‎"...I absolutely can’t abide noise. Musicians don’t... One of the most precious gifts in this world is silence and there’s very little of it to be had..." -John Rutter

Thursday, 24 November 2011


As I stand before you,
the spindly glass of my world trembling
facade of stone shaken...
I reach to you-
then see the recoil-
that instant of rejection
that green tint
of an aura's retreat
and you maintain the distance
and why not?
after all, clearly its my fault
nothing of me
naught of me at all
I'll stay in my corner
til my corner evaporates
with the morning sun
night's crimson death...


Ah, to be nude...a mid morning tangent

You're lazing in bed, reading a novel and sipping your favourite "lazy day" drink, and music permeates the air of your cosy room. A beautiful moment is truly made in this tableau, right? Suddenly a knock or a beckon made to permit entry is made, and you scramble in the opposite direction, a quick dash to the closet for a robe or some clothing to hide your state of nudity; all the while cursing the intruder upon your bliss. the eventual moment comes where they've been admitted, only for you to discover you got dressed for some banal and irritating situation in which you often cannot even be of use to them... I would hope this scenario doesn't only plague me in its occurrence...
I enjoy the freedom of nudity, in my private moments I tend to strip right down and relish the feel of being clothed in air, caressed by the veiled rays of the sun or beams of the moon through my curtains. I like this wondrous alone time when I remove all the roles each piece of garment thrusts upon my psyche (yes, I believe clothes have "energies" and this energy makes us don a certain trait when we wear certain items of clothing), and I am just me, the reserved shy quiet guy, reading in his own little corner of the world.
at odds with my love of being unfettered is my enormous level of self-consciousness- I am not at all an exhibitionist, and I studiously avoid all mirrors when in my state of undress...this is not to say my body is the worst there is (in fact I think of myself as having an average body type), but I just don't often look at myself naked; I don't think I even went through the period of fascination with self that most guys my age seem to pass through *pauses while I blush scarlet having realised I said all this*... yea, I just don't find nakedness that much of an issue (here I laugh riotously wondering what puns would have come if I had used "no big deal" instead lol) a way I guess this outlook also extends to sexual existence. often I will see someone walking by in almost nothing, looking the total Spartan or the ideal Amazonian and I am not in any way moved by their display, as a friend of mine would say "...[not] even a twitch from my brainless head" conversely, I could be making the acquaintance of a plain, decently clothed well spoken individual and I am "at-tent-ive" (see what I just did there?) for the duration of our discourse and enthralled for some time after: it is in those times I wonder if it is that the "Sexualisation" (rae, i'm coining big words) of the society has turned me off from blatant sexuality so completely as to inspire my utter apathy ....but I could just be weird that way...wired differently...who knows?

Saturday, 19 November 2011

To Ayala...


I have dreaded writing these lines, though they were an inevitability I knew I had to face, despite my terror that in doing so I make it finality; I show acceptance of your transcendence from material to ethereal. It has been a very interesting Journey, and one of the most long lasting and stable links I’ve held to anyone: days spent in idle rants about the awesome yet often despicable nature of people, paralleling persons in our lives to characters from favourite tomes; bemoaning the damage or loss of a treasured book due to lending, though unable to refuse anyone who showed an interest- I remember vividly the soliloquy you rendered on how your favourite Lewis Carroll book was a little over two years overdue but you would never ask the person, who you saw daily, to return it. After some pushing you went to enquire after it, only to find that it was assumed that the book was gifted. The look you had as we walked off was priceless; we headed to the classrooms adjacent to the Drama room and there was nothing for it, we simply joked about it and laughed. Looking back, I believed we had a way to laugh about anything, from the (there is no better way to put it) retarded hand flailing and ululating used to refer to things that excited, disgusted or intrigued us, to having a song for every word that ended a sentence - it was in these instances Hanief was co-conspirator and, naturally Karim ever present if even for a second to make an utterly mind boggling though no less hilarious reference to liking eggs. There was a particular conversation that moved from eggs to bread to buttermilk and dragons (A. Lang’s Violet Fairy-book, a new addition at the time to my collection) then to cheese and the dangers of moving someone’s cheese, and after, mapping the conversation that could only be considered seamless madness.

Wondrous times there have been, but life is, in its duality sure to swing down. It is these moments, though few, which left me with very profound respect and instinct to protect one so much younger yet so clearly equal- and in many ways above me mentally and spiritually. One instance while in a floating period between classes I was told by friends in your form who had sought me out that you weren’t okay. I ran up to your classroom; saw you sitting by a wall, a small group of your classmates hovering worriedly. You were mumbling with your head down for a while, and I waited…after a minute of silence I started singing “Don’t Worry Be Happy” the song that was usually a surefire way to make you smile, especially when it got to the bridge, because I couldn’t whistle so I sang the part In whistle like fashion- not a beautiful sound- I went on until you joined in at “he might have to litigate” – I swear I don’t even know why those lyrics after that day made me feel like giggling…we sat for a while and you asked one question repeatedly. I assumed you wanted no answer initially, but then I ventured to respond:


“Because he is, you are, and it is, completely human.”

“That doesn’t make it right. Why? He saw me… and now…what?”

“Now, you get through right now, he did what was possible though unexpected, you do what you need to do to feel ok again.” you raised your hands, little trembling fists attached to wispy thin yet graceful arms and pounded my chest, punctuating each blow with the alternated “why” and “it’s not fair” I was either now the vision of what was causing the pain, or the idiot who dared be rational at a time like this… I let you continue, your fistfalls[1], though steady, were not at all harmful. As your pace slowed, we talked, the flow becoming less and less abridged and abbreviated and full paragraphs detailed the scenario. After having spoken, the heavy stuff now in the air and before the awkward anxiety this should bring, a gesture and a funny sound had us both giggling and we walked off in search of food as we whiled away the time it took Hanief to find us. The next week in rehearsal you apologised, looking as if expecting to see scars and bruises. I shrugged it off, it was fine, and for the whole day you kept inspecting my hands and neck for signs of abuse thinking your methods discreet (though one can only glance at someone’s hand and neck casually so many times).

You were ill a number of times physically as well, and it is in those moments that I feared for you most. There was the big issue of your fleeting and often ignored appetite, and the quasi arguing about the importance of eating followed by the need after to go ensure another certain person was doing the same, unified in our projection of this shared fault on someone else. These moments usually petered out well, except in the rare case of a blackout, and then I’d be the manual ferry if Hanief hadn’t already been so, to a place of safety or rest until you were professionally seen to. Then there were those evenings you were beyond my scope of assistance. The pain of contact for you was unbearable; you would lie there in the lowest darkest part of the room you were in and shiver, wanting comfort and warmth but having to refuse coverings or blankets of any kind, as even the contact of just your uniform was torturous. I had no use, and that was terrifying, knowing I take pride in being ever handy- yet comforted very little that I could only sing to you, only heartened when you joined in, selfish that I wanted to hear you trying, feeling a little more reassured you would be okay, despite the knowledge sleep would probably serve you better as you waited on your mother or father to come take you home.

Amidst all these happenings there were myriad memories, so many paths my mind wanders, the speed of thought lightning to my tortoise fingers on the keyboard, and the recollections beyond possibility of full transcription; how can one describe the joy that one’s soul feels at the shout of “Cheese!” or the sight of a wildly waving arm advancing in your direction from the library? There are no words and likely no space to capture such things. If I were to give tangibility to the epistle which would encompass my interaction with you, I would speak to your heart…your heart, the makings of which far exceed being called mere “gold”. I would need to mention your undeniably infectious laughter, your quiet wisdom housed simultaneously with your beautiful innocence, and the “Matilda-like” way of interacting (Roald Dahl, *heavy sigh*).

I could speak to your immensely beautiful creativity, to your wonderful, picturesque, flowing haunting poetic gift; your ability to artistically manoeuvre objects in a space, whether of words or of physical things; your silvery light soprano and the long journey it took to “draw it out” of you while u lazed in the alto line of Music Club, the earnest with which you approached the Keyboard as your assigned instrument in the club. I could write on your transition to the Jamaica Youth Chorale, where your Bow-ties were something of a favourite of your fellow choristers as you navigated the ranks and carved your spot within the hearts of the members, assimilating into the family. I seek to remember you at this point, close to the actualisation of a serious step in your academic life, sharing your art and gifts with the world, being awarded for- and more importantly accepting graciously that applause- your brilliance and hard work; a life coming together as it should, as all should aspire to live and be. So while I admit to your passing, permit me, dear friend, to have you in mental stasis, at the wondrous place you were, on the brink of exactly where you wanted to be…it is painful that God had other plans.

“That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.” - Emily Dickinson

To a life well lived, by a girl well loved, at a place and time she was well needed.



[1] Coined by Rene Depestre- pounding with closed fists

Thursday, 17 November 2011

To My Friends...

It is something of a habit of mine to continually try to make it known to my friends just how wonderful they are; I love in every one of them all aspects of their nature. I feel drawn to them each in a way that is quite unlike the bond I have with another. they are never put against the same scale, they are all awesome for everything they fact for me even quirks, mishaps and errs are to be praised as what came to create the person I now have the privilege of sharing space with. To all my friends, and especially to my close and long suffering ones, friendships formed in academia, passion, arts, sports, and yes, those as products of past romance... I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME AND ALL YOU DO AMAZES AND INTERESTS ME... I'll never hesitate to make it known that I will always appreciate you all

Monday, 14 November 2011

Nice...why do i choose now to not be myself

I dont want alot for Christmas...there is just one thing i need...I know I dont have no winters, in Jamaica's Chrismus breeze...I just want this top *cue let me borrow that top- Kelly* lmao...but seriously though, I am unnaturally falling in like with this coat

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Word Soul...testament to Talent and Artistic energy

A beautiful rendition of sound, of Words...of outpouring of Soul, of the stories we each share, the pain and anguish of separation the invocation of quid pro quo, the joy and exquisite ecstasy of release, of bodies and minds entwined, words to move you, lower your defenses, the gentle battery of the ocean reducing resilient rocks to meek sated sand, while we feel "move wi waist to di bass"...such was the night at Redbones...WORDSOUL SHAT!!!....i enclose a short vid of one of the musical offerings, Althea di Chick Hewitt on lead vocal covering Adele's Rollin' in the Deep backed up by Davell Thompson, Shanique Brown, and Hanief Lallo

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Trolling and thinking

"So I am letting go. I am ready to take the big steps of faith I need to take to move on into the future. I wish it didn’t take so much hurt to cause me to let go. But I guess God will use whatever He needs to in order to get my attention and help me to move....So thanks, God!
words I found that speak to's to hoping I've learnt my lesson

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

oh dream how sweet....too sweet...Too Bittersweet...

And it is, that while your soul ascended on the wings of a life...a life too short,too horridly short and frayed, but nonetheless...a life lived adirably, songs were sung in your honour, words spoken in your praise...and the only solace of this is that in life you were reminded daily that you are one of the most amazing, gifted, eloquent, patient, understanding and brilliant young lady I had the highest honour of calling friend

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Saturday, 29 October 2011

From Riverside to Mountain, From Canefield to the sea...

My Country, My Island, such beauty housing such evil and hatred...I wish we could all co-exist in love...

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Words From Kahlil Gibran

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives? When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Another Random Quote ...

James Earl Jones :
"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Words of Wisdom from Kurt Vonnegut

Hilarious...A must try

Trolling, I came across this pic, and I just had to share it...

I will have it

I want it...
that freedom,
that reckless abandon...
leaping into the air with a careless grace, time slowing down as you ascend and descend in a rift, a warp that holds you in stasis, on wings of anachronistic bliss...
I want it and I will have it, I must...

Setting dance Goals...let's see

Dance is winding down, and even moreso because the season has the little "down time" granted, I want to work on myself, I have two goals with regard to jumps, and I hope I make them, or as close as physiologically possible :-) ...the Firebird leap and a proper and graceful Fourth position jump...these need mastering, as well as work on splits to have as best a Jete as possible...hmm, time to start organising...want to keep abreast?

Thursday, 13 October 2011

A match is struck in a cave of tangible darkness?

why cant I stop myself smiling when u appear, the way my gloom becomes a little more bearable knowing that u're close, that buffeted or not i'll be ok...what does one do when one willfully steps outside of safe harbour? find out if one can brave the waves...
- the Glacially frigid expanses of loneliness
- tropical seas of welcome and acceptance
- lukewarm currents of unsurity
- trenches of terrifying depression
and the many navigable, and not yet navigable but for our route necessary areas in need of exploration...I NEED to know...
I NEED to be absolutely sure that I am here because I can appreciate, understand and accept being here, I NEED that happiness I feel with your company to not be the only time I sense that joy, I NEED to find joy in the vacuum of my own company...I NEED to know that I can find such joy, that I am not a louse who will cling uselessly and cloyingly, or worse, that I am incapable of feeling it without it being by proxy...because its one of my deepest fears...I explore these seas so rarely lately because I do not wish to give vindication to this fear...
I NEED to ensure all of this
that i'm in ship shape and oceanworthy
I want to be someone's safe harbour...and if you cast away that role forever, even if noone in future aweighs here...I need to know that it was not that I was of weak construction or that I proved unstable

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Ramblings past the witching hour...*insert unearthly cackle*

"Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night. ..."
Having those words greet me on my fb newsfeed seemed to be the icing on the cake of days of pathetic fallacy that I had been having since I set foot beyond the safe borders of my Room and dared venture beyond my house's parameters...
Ive always been something of a busybody- now don't get me wrong I enjoy my wind down time, and consider a good book, some Irish cream and chocolate bliss- and its how I function..the constant jump of nerves and crackle of firing neurons as I leap from one thing to another, reading between disciplines, balancing Dance, Music, an academic and a social life, (though markedly much less social, and truly even if given all the time in the world I doubt i'll be sociable enough to adequately have one of these) it is in this state of equilibrium when all shows outward signs of flux that I thrive...until and unless the precarious balance has shifted- which it has...and I face a burnout that will border on epic as far as previous such ones are concerned...sadly it cannot come at a more horrid time, the period when I need the heady rush, that inability to think as i let body, eyes, ears, voice take control, giving me the oblivion I need to keep my tenuous grip on my present...or I risk losing myself to all that would begin to hold court in my forebrain and slowly undermine the founds of my world...

Monday, 10 October 2011

I'm Tired of livin' i'm scared of Dyin' but ol' man river, he just keeps rolling...

If ever A song has captured the nihilistic and at odds feelings ive been wrestling with... I should be okay...I think...I was happy right? im sure I was...once, I must've been...yet it seems that my mind has been coloured by the black, absorbing all the light til there is little to illuminate my way forward- or back...just here...afraid of going forward, Unable and a little unwilling to regress...

Saturday, 8 October 2011

A word from the wise to be heeded by the same

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
~ Steve Jobs

Friday, 7 October 2011

Ballerina Project Stills with my Favourite element, part Deux :-)

Here, I again post some pics from the New York Ballerina Project, with my favourite dancers: Sara, Zarina, and Alison... and again my favourite element, Water...enjoy!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

CDT's Rose Hall - Jamaica's first full length Modern Ballet- Remounted- Concert Season 2011

I was in the chorus of this grand undertaking, and am infinitely first time in a ballet chorus...a ballet overall!...loving my artistic Journey!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

In Anger I reflect...

"Before you act, listen..before u react, think...before you quit, try..."
-Ernest Hemingway

I try to often follow these words...but today I just cannot get past the fact that this man was a coward who took suicide as the way out...I want to kill the messenger...yet damn, look at that, he did it himself!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Thats right, another.....Random Fact!!!

Between 1912 and 1948, art competitions were a part of the Olympics. Medals were awarded for architecture, music, painting and sculpture

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Thursday's child has far to go...

"...Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on Sunday
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay..."

The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes

...Today I woke up to the distinct inkling that I had taken two steps back from the place I had been even the afternoon before... and it feels a bit worse knowing in the balance so as noone sees me to be worried I sequester myself, an even further cause of distress as it slowly eats away at the name I have created for myself with regard to my reliability to "be there"...even in seclusion I find I cannot be there for me...the ground gives way to nothingness, and I see air beneath me

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

embittered musing...

There is a burning constant confusion within me as it relates to what way one travels from wanting to be and aiming to be and actually...being... I have always been the straight-laced hard worker, almost nothing comes naturally; I work hard to fit norms and mores set before me...yet I always seem to fall short...and I cant understand it me my approach? my face? mind? looks or lack thereof? ...I oft feel so lost...

Monday, 19 September 2011

Here goes...*bites fingernails, taps feet, fidgets*

So, sitting here trying not to totally panic at having shared that bit of myself...yea, kinda difficult actually, but I suppose I shall have to suck up those feelings and work past them...I MIGHT...(but dont look forward to it) do this again at some point (post vids of myself and artistic endeavours)...til the be content with my mind's spewings? thanks for taking the trip with me...lets hope it ends well


A Play on Vindus and Dhusnos (light and dark - and no thats not chinese its hindi...yea, weird why not just say yin and yang...but its me)....Beijing Dance Theatre Company

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Vulnerability is personified in this post

I was cornered into a solo when visiting a church which may become the base of my musical ensemble should i be bold and confident enough to see it through,,,I was unprepared just said what came to mouth (definitely not my mind)and VERY goes everything

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Shakira - Did it Again

I own no rights to this video, and display it here for sake of interest...

I have been a follower of Shakira for years, and this..THIS is one of the HOTTTest music videos i've seen, not just in passion, but in movement...the overt sexual charge just comes at you...and doesnt stop, its just...wondrous...the bed scenes...*cue angelic music* I am just totally in awe of this...would LOVE to take part if anything like this being undertaken close to me...

"Breathe in, and see the World absorbed into your being..."

I am on a quest...
to gain "me"
to move further
to see farther
to love "me"
to appreciate what i create
to value my opinions and output
to be more than a face in a sea, while keeping that touch
to keep my modesty without being self effacing
to refuse to implode when things I cant control burn through my calm and resolve...
and so it continues...