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Sunday, 4 December 2011

so...about that magical moment...

you know that moment're dancing or viewing a dance piece and it becomes so intense, everything is a flowing beautiful mass of shifting lines and changing formations...and then there's this one move, this one transition where time stands still and for that millisecond that seems to last infinitesimally(sounds sooo made up doesn't it?) longer?well, when that happens, you see the most beautiful sight to me in the art of the dance.

That. that moment is what I like to call the instance of suspension...that second before BOOM! the lightning quick, very technical and often beautifully frenetic part of the routine comes in and you're left with your jaw simply at the floor, or (if you're the dancer) energy spills forth and you connect with your true self and the audience in a fragile yet powerful link of the art as transcendence from earthly to divine, orgasmic, ecstatic...or... *shrugs off excited face* you know, to that place where the beauty of the movements to follow and the passion of the dancer/ rapt attention of the audience causes you this strange overflow of excitement and wonder to burst forth from your very core, manifesting itself either in thunderous applause, or a stellar and uniquely "perfect" performance depending on which side of the Proscenium line you are taking part from.
it is that very moment, that second, the transition, that I totally LIVE for. It is "easy" for a dancer to move through a well rehearsed piece, present technical mastery in a change of back or perfect leg/foot/hand/neck articulation...but to go through this moment, to move through it and go beyond the mere transition from line to line to the communication of beautiful messages (and yes, even serious or evil themes have their place in the realm of beauty) THIS I believe IS TRUE ART...
just my I alone in my fascination?

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