"...Monday's child is fair of faceTuesday's child is full of grace,Wednesday's child is full of woe,Thursday's child has far to go,Friday's child is loving and giving,Saturday's child works hard for a living,But the child who is born on SundayIs bonny and blithe and good and gay..."
The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes
...Today I woke up to the distinct inkling that I had taken two steps back from the place I had been even the afternoon before... and it feels a bit worse knowing in the balance so as noone sees me to be worried I sequester myself, an even further cause of distress as it slowly eats away at the name I have created for myself with regard to my reliability to "be there"...even in seclusion I find I cannot be there for me...the ground gives way to nothingness, and I see air beneath me
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