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Thursday, 25 August 2011

An afternoon contemplation...

I sat reading, an activity to which i am always prone, and one that has never ceased to skyrocket in frequency after prolonged sustained interaction with persons in an a performer who also works in a service industry, you can imagine my plight, and the intensity with which I persue this activity. I read a line today from Frank Delany's Novel Shannon- I highly recommend him, he is a great read by the way, he did excellent work in Ireland, another novel of his set in his native country - but yes Shannon (which explores an Irish-americam Catholic Priest who, on returning to the US after the war seeks to find his lost sense of awe, religion, and purpose, and leads -cant give away twists- to his pilgrimmage to the Land of his Ancestry) - Okay, tangents put aside(yea, I can be that annoying lecture for what should be a sentence dude), i read a line today that spoke a truth that is i imagine universal and forgive my stating the obvious when i share it, but in its awesome simplicity I never thought of it until being made to think of it...the line went thus:
"...It is well known that all languages convert the names of their deities into swear-words..."

My mind had a semi-profound moment...mostly because I always say that it isnt just a matter of the profane existing to give balance to the sacred, but that they were and are in many ways the same thing differing only in the circumstance...(There was the lecturing thing again, lol). it was an interesting concept to stumble upon...

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