Today In a bit of a nostalgic mood, I decided to show off some of the iconic tableaux that have shaped my modes of movement and expression...the nineties and the DC craze, from bootylicious up to the Damn hot tableaux from Lose my Breath in 2004...Michael Jackson sitting en pointe, Janet Jckson, her fierce flip the bird expression from the duet with her and MJ for "Scream".
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Wednesday, 31 August 2011
a Light morning
Today In a bit of a nostalgic mood, I decided to show off some of the iconic tableaux that have shaped my modes of movement and expression...the nineties and the DC craze, from bootylicious up to the Damn hot tableaux from Lose my Breath in 2004...Michael Jackson sitting en pointe, Janet Jckson, her fierce flip the bird expression from the duet with her and MJ for "Scream".
Monday, 29 August 2011
My last shared musing for the day...
“Your prison is nothing in comparison with the inner prison of ordinary people: the prison of attachment, the prison of anger, the prison of depression, the prison of pride.” - Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Namaste, and til the next time I unload,
Why Not be Happy, and funny formulae for life
was perusing some blogs and came across something I liked immensely and sought to share, I am quoting from, a site I have come to like for the musings there
not to say that we shouldn't be happy. that kind of thinking is precisely what i would like to avoid. but rather, if we insist on existing, perhaps there need be a more sustainable reason for taking your next breath and putting one running shoe in front of the other.
so, in light of this discovery, i have deigned to author, to my knowledge, the shortest self-help book of all time:
*pain + sadness + happiness = being alive
A sample of a random morning...
As I lay dying...
Friday, 26 August 2011
Random fact
Serrano - A History of Sex...WARNING!!! if you are a prude ignore this Post!!!
This has been some time in coming, and I am loathe to ignore the beauty of this topic simply to show a face of censure when in truth as artist myself I am enthralled by the works and I seek to put myself in the mind of the Artist... I give you Images from Andres Serrano's A History of Sex, 1996
The Prayer of the Depressed...
Below I submit a catholic "prayer of the depressed". I myself am not catholic, but i admire the divine in all things and their validity to their practitioners. I find the words beautiful, and feel a certain pull in its supplication:
Your sword was instrumental in the defeat of Satan, the prince of darkness. I beseech you – help me withstand this darkness that engulfs me and my life. Protect me from negative thoughts and lift my spirit whenever I feel that everything will go wrong. Lead me to a total trust and confidence in God.
As you surrender your will to Him, give me the same courage to follow you. Let me savor how it is to live in the light of God who gives meaning to everything that happens to us. Guide me to understand the CROSS of JESUS so that my sorrow will be my salvation.
Let me see the hand of God in all events of my life so that I may always hope that something good will come out from the bad things that happened to me.
Accompany me, St. Michael, in this difficult journey to find new meaning and purpose to my life. Light your sword in this darkness so that I may see Jesus and His Mother, Mary. Someday, may we see each other in the bliss of heaven, where all tears will be wiped away. Amen.
I added the top/upper picture (Which is of Lucifer) to highlight something that has been a source of annoyance for me, all pictures of the war neglect to show the "Beauty" of the Morningstar...if the bible went at pains to describe his beauty, here u are depicting the last moments of that existing beauty, why not show that? I understand an afterward of decay and grotesque imagery, but at least give the due as written? I implore future artists...
Thursday, 25 August 2011
An afternoon contemplation...
"...It is well known that all languages convert the names of their deities into swear-words..."
My mind had a semi-profound moment...mostly because I always say that it isnt just a matter of the profane existing to give balance to the sacred, but that they were and are in many ways the same thing differing only in the circumstance...(There was the lecturing thing again, lol). it was an interesting concept to stumble upon...