I looks amogst the things I have written over the years and I find a promise I had made to myself in 2010...I share it as my first post of 2013 to set the tone for my year
it is said that wisdom is gained when one untethers the future from the past and resolves to just live life...while that is do-able and can be laudable, I find myself at an impasse...i can let go of the hurt, release the anger, doubt, scorn, disdain, antipathy, corruption...the list goes on, but why should i relinquish the good memories? of laughs stolen and shared, good friends, good times, of fun formative experiences as mischief of youth becomes bane of maturity?...the answer is simple...happy memories have the same amt of power to hold us in the past and cloud our judgement...they can make us naive, stubborn, idealistic....which are good in moderation, but can all to easily be to our undoing....the question I raise is why bother? after one has expended all this effort to "live life" what comes next? do we really start to "enjoy" the experience? who's to say that one was not already doing so? why are we so caught up with "optimising life" that we forget that we just need to LIVE IT?
so i'll "live it"I will read and dream- to keep my mind alive and nourish my sense of emotional jointure with the worldI will sing- for my sanity is above all thoughts of my inadequacyI will dance- for physical catharsis is liberatingI also shallReflect- if one does not look back one loses the lessons needed to go forwardReform- innovation is needed in order to stay afloatPreserve- for one cannot in changing to adapt endeavour to lose oneselfConserve- Possibilities are infinite, but in the grand scheme i am frail and finiteObserve- if it becomes a nihilist battle, one needs the strength to walk...
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